About Me

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I am learning who I am. I am discovering that the only thing that matters is that you are happy on the road you take. I am going to take an extended period of time attending school, traveling, and exploring life to find myself and write. This is going to be that adventure, and bits and pieces of my works in progress.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well, I have some interesting updates. I have given up the blog a day and pretty much writing anything with regularity. What I am doing is going to share what is going on lately.
I am considering (if not already decided) joining the Air Force ROTC program. This program will allow me 3 more years of school (on the government dime) while I owe them 4 years of service after I graduate. I will have my 11 classes left to graduate (=33 hours) plus about 16 hours of ROTC classes. That puts me at 49 hours - assuming I do 12 hours a semester @ 2 semesters a year that gives me 2 years to graduate - EXCEPT the ROTC program requires 3. That gives me the chance to either work on my Master's Degree (if NMSU will let me) or to double-major! I am currently enrolled in a French class (mostly a refresher and boy do I need it). I am trying to learn French and hopefully Spanish and one other language before I graduate. I really want to work on languages with the Air Force. After I graduate (and hopefully learn a language or two) I want to see what my 4 years of career work entails and then I will decide if I want to make a career out of the A.F. or if I want to apply to work for the U.N. or the U.S. Embassy - both jobs would require/like that I could speak French (which I why I am taking it again, now).

Tomorrow is my big day, I am driving down to L.C. again and meeting up with allllll my advisors. I will, by 5 pm, have a better grasp of what is going on with my career options. In the mean time I have been working back in ABQ, saving my money (not very well) and planning! I am very excited to get this meeting done in LC because I can then pick up a second job, probably waitressing to make tips, and then save save save for August!!!! At this point the whole world is waiting on this one moment, this one decision and I am eager to meet it head on.

Other updates... I am working on a few books, started two new ones - which might end up merging or going in two different lines. I tried checking out research books on the subject but apparently UNM only lets you borrow books if you are current student (GRRR @ UNM). So I'll harass the public library here and maybe see what I can find at NMSU tomorrow.

Other news - well as per my last post I did learn my lesson - and it was not one I was expecting but lets just say it is done now. You can't beat a dead horse and if how happy I am now is any indication of my direction in life then it is for the best.

I might begin a collaboration with a very good friend on a novel (excited!!!). We are still trying to draw out the tentative road map. We are going to start with some research - haha, which I suggested. This research will be us going to a survival group meeting where we learn skills to survive just about everything.... Let me find the craigslist link..... here:
Interesting right? Haha. I will definitely blog about how it goes once we get out there. as it is now almost 1130pm I am going to go to bed, I have a long day and a lot of driving to do tomorrow. And I am feeling awesomely creative so I need to get my LC stuff done so I can get my camera fixed and start my writing and photography again while I recharge my "batteries".

But on the side note, if anyone knows anything about shamanism and connections to the spirit world via dreams and ghosts, if you have stories to tell or things you have heard definitely share them with me! It counts towards the research I need for one of my series I just started.
